Wild Fox Farm - Barto, Pennsylvania



Last week I travelled across Pennsylvania on business for Mission Lago Farms. One of my many stops was at Wild Fox Provisions in Barto.

My friend and business partner, Ethan Brown, consulted with Wild Fox Provisions a few years ago when owner Ben Davies was getting started in the hemp game. Since then they’ve worked together on several projects and have become trusted friends in the industry.

Ben and his young family have deep roots in Pennsylvania soil. They manage their sustainable USDA Certified organic farm growing a variety of produce, including hemp. After Ben’s wife served us fresh pork sausage from the pigs raised on their land along with a salad grown on their farm, we took a walk around the property.

While discussing best practices for organic farming, we discovered that Ben and I are fellow Naropians. After briefly discussing the next socio-cultural revolution (think “enlightened farmers”) and Kerouac and religion, we brought it all back to the soil.

Accompanying us was Brian, the leader of Ben’s hemp team. He’s the guy in the orange headgear. A veteran from Afghanistan and graduate of Rodale Institute’s Organic Farming Program, Brian brings a whole nother level of passion to Wild Fox Provisions. From seed to flower, from tinctures to hempcrete, it was interesting listening to Brian and Ethan get deep into plant science.

Here’s a few shots from our visit.

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